Remember that one time Stevie Francis played in a Chinese league game and never took off the ice bag on his ankle? It was after he got drafted by Vancouver.
Dear Gary and Detlef, wanna work on our Mutombo impersonations and then talk like him all saturday night. ladies will love us. this is what he really sounds like! cant wait to hear you guys try!
Dear Gary and Detlef, I now blame vlad for the supersonics leaving seattle. Why would you ever wanna leave your house once you have a nice fleece blanket and some Neil Diamond on?
Dear Gary and Detlef, My mother was asking me for ideas for christmas, I told her some new cologne would be great. Lets just hope she knows who I really wanna smell like!
Today is a big day: we learned that Joakim Noah spent Thanksgiving in a steam room with John Elway, Kevin McHale made an always popular anthrax joke, and it's laundry day.